By Adele-mcmasters on 3rd November

Using glue on horseshoes comes with both positives and negatives, depending on how you look at it. The most significant benefit is that they are often suitable for use on horses who don’t have thick, robust hoof walls that can be nailed into. Glue-on shoes can also “lift” a hoof so that it is further away from the ground, or they can enable you to develop the heels of a horse that has low heels or heels that are damaged.

Whenever a farrier is using glue on horseshoes, it is of the utmost importance that they create a strong connection to ensure that the shoes will remain firmly attached to the hoof. The setting and the horse’s willingness to cooperate are the two most crucial things to consider. A sanitary and dry setting is required to achieve a successful bond. For the adhesive to properly adhere, both the hoof and the shoe need to be as free of dirt and moisture as possible. After washing and clipping the hoof, many farriers may place the horse’s foot in a cloth sock while they prepare the shoe. This helps to keep the foot dry and clean while the farrier prepares the shoe.

When the glue has just been applied, it will take a few minutes for it to dry completely. This is exactly why the cooperation of the horses is of the utmost importance! The application is the most important consideration, regardless of the type of shoe. It is necessary to have a properly trimmed and level foot in order to ensure that the shoe fits properly. Your horse shouldn’t have any problem adjusting to new glue-on horseshoes if they are done correctly and in the correct manner.

The high price is the primary disadvantage. Applications that use glue incur a higher cost since they frequently call for the use of metal shoes. A pair of shoes made of steel will run you between $5 and $8, whereas shoes made of aluminium would run you between $10 and $15. Shoes made of steel will rust, which will cause the adhesive to detach from the shoe. Glue on horseshoes, no matter what type they are, are significantly more expensive than nail-on shoes. When compared to ordinary shoes, the price of glue-on shoes can range anywhere from an additional $125-200 when purchased from a standard farrier. Last but not least, the adhesive can occasionally restrict the expansion potential of the hoof capsule. It is of the utmost importance that you select a farrier who is experienced in the proper application of adhesive in order to avoid causing injury to the hooves when the shoes are removed.

It will take a few minutes for the adhesive to dry after it has been applied, so please be patient. Because of this, having the horse’s participation is necessary. If your horse is currently experiencing difficulty wearing shoes that are nailed on, you might want to think about using shoes that are attached using glue instead. Carry out some research and consult with your horse’s regular farrier to see whether or not this is something that might benefit your horse.

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